Update #3 Being a Balanced Game

The hardest part of working on a new system is the math. The stats of average weapon damage, what the players can do etc. This also comes down to the design goals I am going for and a problem that has stumped me for almost 2 weeks, how do I want this balanced?

The Balance

If you have read my last update something probably stuck out, the fact all the classes have about the same damage output. When I first started designing this system I thought I wanted things to feel balanced but unique, but I don’t have that yet. Maybe a Marauder should be better than a brawler at long-term damage, and a brawler is good at surges.

When I first started making this a question like this never came up. Probably due to naivety but now I have to figure out which way the system will lean. Will it be a number crunchy war game or a rules-lite RPG? The obvious answer is a rules-lite RPG, as I never started this to be something like 40K.

The New Goal

Originally I had the below 4 goals

I have 4 main goals,

  • Make A New TTRPG Inspired by+ One Piece that incorporates its ideas into a D20 system
  • Have the game be free to all, or cost at most $10
  • Have the book be a minimum of 100 pages
  • Provide biweekly updates on this website

Now I have a new main goal.

  • Provide a balanced rules-lite RPG


The game will be simple, and balanced. But balanced in a way D&D isn’t, each class will excel at 1 thing, be ok at 1 thing, and be objectively bad (But not unplayable) at another. I will be finishing up 2 more classes by next week and reworking the previous 2 for the next update.


My simple combat idea won’t be changing. All other systems will also be following suit, something that is understood in one paragraph and leaves room for the important things, character creation, and fun! That way chase rules, siege rules, and ship combat can also all cross over each other as well.

Balanced Characters

As previously mentioned being a balanced system is something I want. So, to make characters balanced a feat-like system will be worked into character creation. Allowing the player to create a character that can be focused on something, or a jack of all trades, or have an interesting concept. A Marauder healer or Brawler shipwright could be fun concepts.

More to come

While this update is a little short, it also doesn’t help I have been sick the last week, I hope it still shows the thought my brain puts into this project every night I lie in bed. Working fast is not something I am good at, but I want this to be something I can be proud of that was made in a limited time. After all, deadlines do help avoid feature creep.

Jack of All Trades Gaming
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